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A non-governmental organization helps poor people in their survival. India is a country with a huge population and among them; a lot of people live in slums. Mission Heal supports families who live in slums and somehow survive their existence. We as an NGO come forward and bring a ray of hope to their lives. Our NGO acts as a helping hand for the people in need by providing them with their necessities. Necessity is something that you cannot let go of, it is something you will need for sure. That’s why our NGO make them available with the supplies that are needed by an individual on daily basis.

A larger number of individuals live in metropolitan areas than in provincial areas. The pattern is likely to continue over the next few years. Even though urban communities drive financial growth, they are more disproportionate than regions of the country where the wealthy live near the extremely poor. Our organization tries to help these extremely poor sections of our society. To support them we arrange activities that help them in smiling again. We are the only hope for them. Our NGO celebrates every festival at the rehabilitation centers to make them feel at home.

What do we do?

To help the lives of the extremely poor section of our society we help them by providing food, ration, medical counselling, women hygiene kits, clothes, etc. We serve them like this because this is the best way to make a needy person happy. Working for humanity is the biggest noble work a person can do in their whole life. The organization is dedicated to improving the living standard of poor people. Our NGO tries to ensure that every individual gets equal opportunity. That is why we support the children by providing them with better education from primary to higher education. This education is the only way to make the children literate and financially stable. Making these children literate, not only helps in their future, but also for India.

We had a presence in almost all the villages, and we visit door to door to serve them. Under the initiative named “Poshan Program,” we feed 3000-4000 poor families and children. Women who grow strong in India connect with every individual and association. Mission Heal helps women and fights together with them to strengthen their powers. Along with providing food to the people living in slums, we do provide clothes to them. We organize cloth distribution camps to give them clothes. Mission Heal relay on its well-wishers to support us in helping the poor people. We had a lot of success stories where we helped many women and children in our society.

Bring Equality into the society

Bringing equality is the most important aspect of the upliftment of society. Equality gives the power to women to walk together with men in this male-dominated society. Empowering gender equality helps in closing the gap between males and females. Gender equality helps in reducing the poverty in society. Countries that choose gender equality as their integral part enhance economic efficiency.