Our Supporters
We are determined to build a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Mission heal is focused on bringing about a Qualitative change in the lives of underprivileged children We not only save children from the hardships of life, but we also work towards abolishing these hardships. It has created an environment where the children are encouraged to develop their own personality.
Children should not become objects of our sympathy or our charity. Every child, regardless of birth and circumstance is truly equal. Each child who is compelled to work for a living, neglected, abused or exploited represents a far more serious violation of our constitution, equivalent to a crime. India has the largest number of child laborers in the world. We work to expose and prevent exploitative child labor practices. 7.1 million Children in India do not go to school. We work to ensure that children join school. This helps them stay out of child labor as well as in building a promising future for them.