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Mission Heal International Literacy Day: Education drives social reform.

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day :- On an unusually large scale, the COVID-19 catastrophe has interfered with children’s, adolescent, and adult learning. Today, there are 773 million adults and children who are illiterate. They make efforts in global crisis to find an alternative. Some of them are  distance learning, to maintain the continuity of education.

Mission Heal recognizes that the engine of sustainable development is literacy. It raises people’s standards of life and gives them more power. The concept of  Literacy enshrines in Sustainable Development Goal 4. 

On this International Literacy Day (8th September) Mission Heal highlights the importance of getting a basic education. To the poor children who want to transform their lives for a better future. Mission Heal believes that education along with relevant skills can open several doors of opportunities for the poor. Mission Heal observes this day to make people aware of the need for education to bring change in society.

Background/History of International Literacy Day;

In an effort to address the global problem of illiteracy. UNESCO designated 8 September as International Literacy Day on October 26 of that year. The goal was to use literacy to empower people and the entire community, to fight illiteracy. This day’s primary goal was to encourage literacy. The World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, held in Tehran in 1965. After this the concept of International Literacy Day first conceived. This day was approve of as a component of the UN’s program for sustainable development goals in the year 2015. The primary focus of the UN’s sustainable development initiative was the issue of literacy.

Why we celebrate the International Literacy Day

We observe this day to draw people’s attention to literacy. To make them aware of their rights to promote social and human development. Literacy is an essential instrument for eradicating poverty, regulating population growth, and other goals. Literacy, it is true, has the power to improve family status. We observe this day to urge people to continue their education and to recognize their responsibilities to their society.

UNESCO continues to take the lead in enhancing global literacy. It promotes International Literacy Day alongside governments, communities, and other organizations. It strives to highlight the role of literacy and skill development in a changing environment through themes and various programs.

Mission Heal’s mission to provide education to the poor children;

Mission Heal believes that education is a catalyst for change. They recognize that if a poor child gets an education they will be able to open up to the world. They learn new things and work hard to change their lives for the better. Mission Heal makes efforts to impart education to children.

Provision of schools in the rural areas:

Mission Heal has a mission to build up various schools in rural areas in future. For the poor children whose parents cannot afford to send their child to school. These schools would provide the basic level of education to the children. Here the child would learnhow to read, write, and think creatively. If some of the students go beyond the expectations of the teachers. The NGO takes responsibility for those students to give them education. Such efforts made by the NGO enhance the quality of life of the children

Provision of study materials:

Mission Heal provides the children with various studying materials. This material is provided as they cannot afford that stuff. Stationary, books, etc. are provided to them and they can study the things in their house.

Provision of mid-daymeals in the school:

The NGO educate the child and understands the need for a proper meal to make them strong. Without a portion of proper and nutritious food, one cannot make its brain function effectively. Mid-day meal is provided to all students of the school without any compromise on the quality of the meals provided.


Mission Heal realizes the importance of education and makes relentless efforts to impart knowledge to all poor children. And even on this International Literacy Day, Mission Heal will continue to do the welfare service to the poor children. With the generous contribution of our donors, we are able to pull this service off to many children.

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