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Mission Heal People’s Organization: Providing services to help the needy

People’s Organization

Mission Heal, People’s Organization serves humanity. Our various programs aim to provide better health education, employment opportunities, and a chance for a life filled with respect and growth. Our name reflects our ambition to heal. As an NGO, we focus on the slum areas in Delhi, NCR, providing aid to those who suffer from a lack of proper nutrition and resources. Today, we will explore all the programs we provide to uplift the lives of people in need.

Education a necessity: People’s Organization

As People’s Organization, we are aware of the challenges children face. These children not only lack a decent quality of life but also face a lack of educational opportunities. Many of these children end up working as laborers in factories and construction sites because their parents are unable to afford to send them to school. This is a serious concern, as data shows that as many as 32% of slum children drop out of school early or leave with low levels of literacy and numeracy.

We provide quality education and free study materials to these children through educational camps. We also work to encourage parents, particularly girls’ parents, to support their children’s education, aiming for a brighter and more secure future for both the children and their communities.

Food distribution

Food is a basic human need for any human being. People in slums often lack access to proper nutrition, which leads to numerous health challenges. To address this issue, we provide healthy meals three times a day through food camps in slums, ensuring that those in need receive proper nutrition and vitamins for a healthy life.

Health campaigns to enhance quality of life

  • For individuals living in slums, the risk of contracting diseases and infections is heightened due to the unhygienic environment, limited access to healthcare facilities, and inadequate education. The lack of proper infrastructure, such as hospitals and clinics, makes it difficult for residents to receive timely medical attention, leading to a higher probability of disease transmission.
  • Women in particular are more vulnerable to disease and infection, as they often lack access to basic healthcare tools, such as clean water and sanitation facilities, and may not have the knowledge or resources to maintain proper hygiene practices. Furthermore, they may not have access to essential healthcare services, such as prenatal care and family planning, which can exacerbate their vulnerability.
  • To address this, we provide essential health services, including regular check-ups, disease awareness campaigns, and women’s hygiene initiatives, offering hygiene kits and free medicines to ensure a secure and healthy life for those in need.

Women empowerment

To significantly improve the lives of individuals living in slums, it is essential to provide them with comprehensive support and resources. A single individual, regardless of their gender, cannot be expected to meet the needs of their entire family alone. Therefore, it is crucial that women, in particular, are empowered and given access to security, employment, and education. We believe that by providing them with opportunities to grow and develop through our vocational training programs. We can make a tangible difference in their lives. Our training initiatives include free courses in crafting and tailoring, which not only equip them with valuable skills but also impart knowledge about the practicalities of the world.

These training programs enable women to become self-sufficient, capable of starting their own businesses and securing stable employment. Our target audience is single mothers. Females often lack financial support to gain skills. However, as a People’s Organization, we believe that every individual deserves the chance to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. We strive to provide them with a new identity. Empowering them to take control of their lives and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

Cloth distribution

As the Mission Heal People’s Organization. We recognize that the well-being of underprivileged communities is deeply intertwined with their physical and emotional needs. That’s why we’re committed to providing essential clothing and essentials to those living in slums. We distribute summer and winter clothing. As well as free blankets, to low-income families who are struggling to make ends meet.

Our aim is not only to provide basic necessities but also to bring warmth and comfort to those who need it most. By doing so, we hope to empower these individuals to grow and thrive. Banishing the chill of poverty and uncertainty and instead bringing smiles to their faces. We believe that every individual deserves a sense of dignity and respect. It is our responsibility to help make that a reality.


As a People’s Organization. We are proud of the significant impact we have made in the lives of those living in slums. Through our various facilities, we have provided essential services, improved living conditions, and empowered individuals to overcome poverty and thrive. By addressing hunger, education, and health. We have not only alleviated suffering but also enabled people to stand on their own two feet. Confident in their abilities to build a better future. Our ultimate goal is to create a society where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life. We remain committed to this vision. Working tirelessly to make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

You can read such blogs and articles on the website https://missionheal.org/. Follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram