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People’s Organization works to expose and stop child labour abuse

People's Organization

Children of poor families are mostly subjected to Child labor in India. The poor parents are not able to put two times of food on their table. They cannot afford to send their children to school. Which is why they send their children to work to help the family financially. A situation like this leads to an increase in child labor abuse in the working places. Also, they are subjected to work in more hazardous places and not being paid for it. Mission Heal a People’s Organization recognizes these issues and makes efforts to solve this problem. The People’s Organization takes out drives to inform the children and their parents about the crime of sending children to hazardous work. Also, they provide free education to the children so that they can get knowledge and stop the crime done to them.   

Situation of Child Labour in India, People’s Organization:  

An estimated 7.1 million children in India do not go to school.This is an alarming situation for a developing country like India. With a large number of youth population, it serves as a threat to us. If our youth remains uneducated then the very future of the nation will be in the dark. Before COVID-19, the number of child labourers has gone down. But after COVID-19, the number has increased rapidly. The Covid-19 crisis has brought additional poverty to these already vulnerable populations. It may reverse years of progress in the fight against child labour.

And parents and Government negligence and a blind eye to the problem of child labour are also giving a boom to the issue of Child Labour in India.

Efforts made by the People’s Organization, Mission Heal to curb Child Labour:

The future of a country as diverse and dynamic as India is in the hands of its youth. However, the continuous issue of child labour casts a threatening shadow over the potential of millions of youngsters. The People’s Organisation, also known as Mission Heal, has emerged as a light of hope, fighting relentlessly to remove the shackles of child labour while providing these young souls with education and skills for a better life.

The Vision of the People’s Organization

At the heart of Mission Heal is a simple yet powerful vision: to see every kid in India have access to a decent education free of child labour. To bring this vision to life, the People’s Organization has taken a multidimensional strategy that addresses the issue’s multiple aspects.

Rescue and Rehabilitation Drive

The first crucial step that Mission Heal considers is to rescue children from unsafe employment circumstances. Mission Heal collaborates with local governments and communities to identify children who are stuck in the tragic cycle of child labour. These little souls are subsequently given prompt assistance, assuring their safety and well-being.

Education: A Glimmer of Hope

The People’s Organization’s initiatives revolve around education. Mission Heal guarantees that rescued children have access to quality education by educating in schools in underserved regions. These schools instill values, ethics, and a sense of self-worth in addition to academic knowledge. The People’s Organization seeks to stop the cycle of poverty and child labour via education.

Skill Development: Creating a Better Future

Education alone will not suffice. Mission Heal recognizes that in order for these children to genuinely escape the grips of child labour, they must acquire useful skills. The People’s Organisation provides vocational training programs that prepare individuals for the labour market. Whether it’s computer skills, tailoring, or woodworking, these programs help youth find meaningful employment.

Community Empowerment

The People’s Organisation recognizes that long-term change necessitates the participation of the entire community. Mission Heal works actively with parents and community leaders to raise awareness about the value of education and the hazards of child labour. The People’s Organisation aims to establish a supportive environment for these children to grow through community-driven projects.


Mission Heal, the People’s Organization, exemplifies the transforming potential of committed individuals working together for a common goal. Their work not only saves children from child labour, but also gives them the tools they need to achieve a better future.

As we strive for an India in which every kid has the opportunity to study, grow, and dream. The People’s Organization’s unflinching dedication to ending child labor and providing education shines as a beacon of hope. Mission Heal opens the way for a stronger, more affluent India, where the future really belongs to its children, by tackling the fundamental causes of the problem. Thanks to the persistent efforts of the People’s Organization, Mission Heal, we can turn the tide against child labor and develop a nation where every kid’s potential is realized.

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