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Mission Heal: non-governmental development organization for Poor.

Non-profit Organization

Non-governmental development organization missions heal for underprivileged people and children. We were established in 2014 and trying to improve the life quality of vulnerable children and their families. We create awareness for Disability, and deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS, and cancer. NGO provides supplies to these vulnerable children and their communities in India. Including children living on the streets and those living in urban homeless families; those with disabilities or affected by HIV. Also, to those who are exploited and trafficked; the children of sex workers. Also the child laborers kids on a regular basis.

non-governmental development Organization is a place where there is, ordinarily an intentional gathering or organization. With a social mission, which works autonomously from the public authority. NGOs or comparable associations exist in all regions of the planet.

Mission Heal promotes women empowerment as empowering women are very necessary to the country’s growth. We helped lots of girl children on the roads of the Delhi/NCR region. We are an independent body, with no religious discrimination with the mindset to help the needy. Mission Heal a non-governmental development organization lays major emphasis on the environment and education. We plant trees on the birthday of every donor to protect our environment from global warming. We had decided to plant 1, 00,000 trees by the end of 2022.


Belief of Non-Governmental Development Organization

Mission Heal association work for a more vulnerable segment of society who can’t meet their day to needs consistently. We give them the essential things. Mission not entirely settled to serve each kid and their families. We give best quality prepared food, superior instruction framework, and restoration focuses. Our NGO had a few volunteers who help to run this trust. We take the drives to bring bliss to such denied kids and their families. We trust it’s the essential right of each human to get food, sanctuary, material, and schooling.

Our organization believes in uplifting the marginal section of people as they are not able to meet their daily requirements. Some of them had their family members during Covid. We try to emphasize more on the quality services rather than quantity services. NGO provides skillful education. As a non-government organization, we play a huge role to make this world better for deprived people. We are on the eve of the fourth industrial revolution. That means everything is connected to the eve of the 4th industrial revolution.

Which means everything is connected to the internet now. So, as a non-governmental development organization or individually, we need helping hands to increase the scope of our work. We work on the empowerment of human life and helping suffering humans worldwide. It is not possible to solve all the problems faced by the people and their families. We work with a vision to create our society free from all forms of inequality. Like age discrimination, gender discrimination, income discrimination, and caste discrimination.


We have our own priorities and plans which leads us to sustainable solutions. Helping the poor’s matters a lot for you. It might be a product or money, but for them, it is like giving a gift to the needy. They can’t buy products to meet their basic food for their survival. We aim to achieve development on a large scale with positive changes.

We will continue to support these children and families to find greater prosperity and positivity. Our NGO empowers communities to fight the situation of poverty, diseases, illiteracy, and hunger. We create programs for positive changes in economic development and enable women empowerment. We as humans work on certain morals to bring revolution to society. You can support these people by supporting them to show your support you can go for donation. Does matter how big or small it may not matter to you, but it matters to them.

In this busy and selfish world, we are promising to give a better life to others. Help us to beat hunger. You will be happy to know that we are successfully executing all our programs. And planning to initiate new programs for overall development. To support our work and to know more, visit our website https://missionheal.org/. And follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for recently updated campaigns. Do share your views on our NGO working. Tell people about our work as we are helping the needy day & night.