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Non Government Programs to Eradicate Poverty

Non-government Programs

Mission Heal launches a variety of non-government programs to eradicate poverty. The issues that are emerging in society are monitor by our organization. We are solely aiming to improve society and the nation. Making the world “a place where it should never harm a poor person” is our mission.

Our Organization is easing the lives of these poor families in a society. Where practically everyone is preoccupied with making their lives pleasant and comfortable. Our charity works to improve unprivileged lives and secure their future.

There is a great deal of worry that economic development is not genuinely distribute . In addition, the wealth disparity has become wider as a result of the financial crisis. We work to address this wealth disparity in India through non-government programs.

According to research, all industrialized nations use these tactics to lessen or eradicate hunger in their nations. India has to concentrate on lowering inequality and poverty in society primarily for this reason. How much of an influence development has on reducing poverty depends on the degree of economic equality at the outset.

The increase in poverty in India is interlinked to increase in population.  The poverty is mainly seen in rural areas and urban slum, as people are not educated.

People who belong from poor families get less chance of proper education, nutrition and a satisfied childhood.  The core reason behind poverty is illiteracy, over sized population and income inequality.

Non Government Programs on Poverty and Population

  • Almost 5 billion people, in both rich and developing nations, are affect by poverty, which is a worldwide problem. It started on by economic and social injustices. Which result from the resource distribution that is unequal and limited access to opportunities.
  • There are several tactics that may use to end poverty. These comprise the offering of social services, instruction, and the elimination of corruption, the enhancement of government, and the empowering of the populace.
  • One of the key reasons for India’s population expansion is a drop in mortality rates brought on by better medical services and a steady birth rate.
  • The widespread illiteracy in India makes people feel that “children are god’s favor,” which makes them opposed to the idea of “family planning.”
  • The majority of rural families live in poverty, so many believe having a big family will enhance their income by putting kids to work.
  • Reduced infant mortality rate as a result of better medical infrastructure.
  • As a result of repeated attempts to produce a male child. Which Indian families feel is necessary to maintain one’s lineage more female children are born.

Strategy to Eliminate Poverty from India

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of objectives that all nations should strive to achieve in order to foster prosperity, a healthy environment, and human rights for everyone.

By 2030, all people must be free from severe poverty. And the percentage of people living in poverty of any kind must be cut in half. These are the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals. The nations that make up the UN approved this goal as one of 17 to eradicate extreme poverty in September 2015.

Increase in Education Awareness

In order to eradicate poverty, education is crucial. Every industrialized nation is aware of the value of education in reducing poverty and generating prosperity. Many studies carried out by non-governmental organizations, such as the United Nations and UNESCO, have shown that education successfully pulls people out of poverty and enhance the life they lead.

Eradication of corruption

One of the factors contributing to poverty, particularly in developing nations, has been identifie as corruption because it prevents the poor from accessing social services and government programs that might otherwise help them escape poverty.

The majority of the funds are, however, laundered by politicians who utilize them for their own gain, depriving the underprivileged of government amenities. It is crucial to include public in decision-making processes, encourage leadership responsibility, and undertake transparent financial allocations if government agencies are to combat corruption.

Access to social services including health care and government services is contingent upon paying bribes. By passing rules that penalize offenders and encourage responsibility amongst leaders and legislators, corruption may be eradicate.

Better Governance

An effective method of ending poverty is by putting government plans into practice. In order to increase the earnings of low-income families, modifications might be made to the tax and welfare systems, specific employment initiatives, increased investment on education, especially in underdeveloped areas, and adjustments to the national minimum wage.It’s also critical to assess how politics contributes to or mitigates poverty.

There is a requirement for laws that favor the equitable sharing of national resources. Few chances and resources that are critical to ending poverty are available to the poor. Poor individuals are unable to find employment and secure sufficient income to maintain their families because they lack education.

On the other side, unequal income, wealth distribution leads to disparities in wealth and resources. Rich individuals are more likely than poor people to have access to social amenities.


Economic success and educational attainment are directly related. By demonstrating how to use their ability in ways that encourage wealth generation and poverty reduction, persons with more access to education are empowered.

 Diseases have a significant role in the high death rate and poverty that result from people’s inability to receive medical treatment. Governments should develop initiatives to improve the accessibility of low-cost medical care for the underprivileged.

Ultimately, eradicating poverty depends on improved governance. It entails reducing poverty and passing laws that deal with it by enhancing resource distribution and granting less fortunate individuals access to social amenities.

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