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Mission Heal Education Organization on New Education Policy

Educational Organization

Education Organization: In India, comprehensive education has a long tradition. Education in old period was focused on complete self-realization and freedom from materialistic ties, as well as learning the skills necessary to live in this world.Mission heal an Education Organization today will share all the details

A wide variety of civilizations benefited Indian education from the time of the invasions until the arrival of the British. After independence, and even today, various efforts in the sphere of education  launched in recognition of the importance of education as an instrument for character development.

Education is an instrument that gives people more control over all facets of their lives. It broadens his or her knowledge, abilities, perspectives, and understanding of the world. It also aids in fostering moral and ethical principles. In addition, as income possibilities improve, employment opportunities considerably increase.

Without a doubt, a nation’s ability to develop rests on the strength of its educational system. The productivity and efficiency of the labor force will increase with enough development in the educational sector. In the end, educated individuals aid in quickening the speed of economic growth, leading in the expansion of the nation.

The British colonial authority introduced modern education to India. The Macaulay Minute, Wood’s Dispatch, Curzon’s Education Policy, the Sadler Commission, and other colonial documents laid the groundwork for the Indian educational system.Mission Healeducation organization, it is our duty to work for children in Education field with a comprehensive approach.

The thought of developing education policy somewhere started at 1966 by DS Kothari and the same vision implemented by PM Indira Gandhi in 1968 for equal opportunity.

After this on 1992, Rajiv Gandhi brought educational policy, reforms and same policy followed till 2020 i.e. for 34 years. Until new education policy introduced in 2020.


Education Organization about New Education Policy

To realize the full potential of each individual and to advance national development, education is a crucial prerequisite for the growth of a just and just society. The landscape of information is rapidly changing throughout the entire world.

On July 29, 2020, the Indian government approved the New National Policy 2020, and permission was also given to rename the Ministry of Human Resource Development as the Ministry of Education. The New Education Policy 2020 has taken the place of the National Education Policy 1986, which was 34 years old.

The programme offers a complete foundation for education in both rural and urban India. This covers all levels of education—elementary, secondary, tertiary, and vocational. By 2040, the project hopes to have fully overhauled India’s educational system.

Vision of New Education Policy

India-focused education is the vision of National Education Policy 2020. It immediately helps to our nation’s long-term transition into a fair and vibrant knowledge society by providing high-quality education to everyone.

The NEP 2020 makes significant changes to India’s educational system. It aims to quickly raise public education spending from roughly 3% to 6% of GDP.

The policy encourages the use of regional or native languages in the classroom up to class 5, with the recommendation that it continue through class 8 and beyond. Foreign languages and Sanskrit will be givenpriority as well. All students are required to study three languages in school, in accordance with the policy’s criteria. Indian native tongues must make up at two of the three languages.

National Education Policy 2020 suggests a variety of policy changes in relation to teachers and teacher education. By 2030, being a teacher will require a minimum of a 4-year Bachelor of Education. The hiring of teachers will also be improved, and it will be transparent. The National Council will develop a national curriculum framework for teacher education for Teacher Education by 2021.

The National Council will also develop national Professional Standards for Teachers for Teacher Education by end of 2022. At all levels of education, the strategy seeks to guarantee that all teachers are enthusiastic, driven, highly qualified, properly educated, and furnished.

Mission Heal an education organization organizes manyprograms for slum students and educates them through different fun activities. As we believe that studying with fun is a great idea as they, are more willing to participate and take risk.  It helps to adapt better as it increase memory.

The New Education Policy’s Fundamentals

Flexibility: It strives to give students freedom by letting them select their own learning speed and career route in accordance with their talents.

Multidisciplinary: To offer a comprehensive education in all subjects, including science, social science, coding, the arts, humanities, and sports, among others.

Ethical and Constitutional Values: It attempts to teach the virtues of justice, liberty, equality, courtesy, liberty, and responsibility. It also aims to the virtues of empathy and respect for others.

Sustainable Policy: The creation of policies based on routine evaluations of the real world. Considering India’s rich, diverse, old, and new cultures, as well as its traditions and knowledge system.

Equality and Inclusion:All educational decisions will be made with equality and inclusion in mind, ensuring that all pupils can succeed in the educational system.

Life Skills:Putting a strong emphasis on developing life skills like cooperation, teamwork, communication, resilience, etc.

Professional value: Strict training will be required for the recruitment of all teachers and educators. Preparedness, ongoing professional development, a healthy work environment, and service improvement will be prioritized.

Major Reforms in Education Policy

  • Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 presently take a school exam conducted by the relevant agency.
  • The tenth and twelfth grade board exam papers would be kept, but they’ll be updated to emphasize long term development.
  • PARAKH (Examination, review, and assessment of knowledge for overall development) will serve as a new national assessment platform.
  • Students will begin trying to think mathematically and scientifically in sixth grade.
  • The 5+3+3+4 structure would then replace the 10+2…
  • The new programme will include three years of preschool/Anganwadi and twelve years of formal schooling.
  • Until the fifth grade, this policy will prioritise the use of mother tongue, local languages, and regional languages as the main educational language.
  • Students in sixth grade will begin to use mathematical reasoning and scientific temper coding.
  • Students will start going to receive a vocational education that involves summer internship in the sixth grade.
  • The 10+2 framework s replaced by 5+3+3+4.
  • A light but strict regulator will be in place for higher education.
  • Up until the fifth grade, this strategy will take priority to use, the local, regional, or native language as the guidance language.
  • Sanskrit, which uses three linguistic concepts, will  taught to students at every level of schooling and higher education.
  • A choice of literature in other languages and from India will be available.
  • Neither student would really be forced to take a language course.
  • Subject selection in higher education will be more flexible.
  • There will countless entry and departure points for postsecondary learning with the suitable certified. For instance, degree after one year, an advanced diploma after two years, a degree after three years, and a bachelor’s with research after four years.
  • Educational credit earned at numerous HEIs will be data or system in the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC), converted, and applied to the student’s overall degree.
  • The curriculum’s main components for each subject eliminated.
  • This allows them to focus on assessment and comprehensive learning methods for education, in addition to critical reasoning, exploration, investigation, and discussion.
  • Concentrate on virtual learning to assist people become less reliant on textbooks.
  • The new initiative will raise education’s GDP share from 1.7% to 6%, undoubtedly strengthening the educational system.
  • They hoped that by 2040, all higher education institutions would be interdisciplinary and include least 3000 students.
  • Over the next 15 years, college fellowship would be phased out.
  • Up to 2030, each area should have at least one major multidisciplinary HEI.
  • We are aiming to zero illiteracy among adult and Juveline
  • NTA will hold a common entrance examination for admission to HEIs.

How New Education Policy will improve Education in India.

Basically the new educational policy will place more emphasis on students’ practical knowledge and abilities than it will on rote learning. It will aid the students in early scientific temperament development.

  • It will put a special emphasis on ensuring that all children have access to higher education important beginning in early life, integrating over 20 million students, and educating even children from socioeconomically challenged backgrounds.
  • Technology will be more frequently, which will aid in closing the gap in the existing system.
  • With the aid of technology, students who previously had no access to education will integrate into the educational system.
  • The conventional barriers of caste, class, society, occupation, etc., will eliminated by technology.


Moreover, the 2020 New National Education Policy is a positive move. It emphasizes integrated teaching, a dynamic classroom, experiential learning, critical thinking, and competency-based learning. Digital education for all students is an important part of the policy. Importantly, However India again will be able to profit from its youthful population, however improvements  made to the education systems and all states work together to achieve the policy’s aims. India will finally take a significant step toward building itself as a technology superpower by developing a strong educational system.

We hope you have liked all the information about the New Education Policy 2022 by Mission Heal an Education Organization

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