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Mission Heal NGO in India Making Awareness on World Water Day

World Water Day

Water is the most vulnerable resource in the world. All life forms on earth require water in some capacity in order to function. It is safe to argue that water is the main factor in Earth’s unique capacity to support life. One of the most important resources we have on earth is this all-purpose solvent. Mission Heal NGO in India on the eve of World Water Day, making people aware of this issue.

Water is essential to life and cannot exist without it. After all, it comprises over 70% of the planet. However, water is a limited resource in the world because it is a non-renewable resource. Apart from humans, animals are also in need of water resources. Therefore, everyone needs to understand the importance of water in daily life and its importance for future generations.

Due to the careless attitude of people around the globe, this precious resource is reducing day by day. Though there is 68% of water available for drinking, only 3% of that is freshwater; thus, the amount of fresh water available for drinking is very small. Around 65% of water is kept in the form of glaciers. Even though the water available for drinking purposes is polluted. Fresh water makes up only 0.3% of the water in ponds, lakes, and rivers. The distribution of water resources on earth is unequal, which is a serious concern.

It’s  intended for the world to be a stunning place to live. Almost the entire natural system has been destroyed as a result of excessive human resource use. Every resource that was once plentiful needs to be protected and set aside for future generations through an awareness programme. Mission Heal an NGO in India is very much aware about the importance of fresh water and ill effect of consuming pullulated water.

History of World Water Day

We are aware that March 22nd marks World Water Day all throughout the world. The United Nations General Assembly voted to make this day an annual celebration in 1993 in order to raise public awareness of the importance of water conservation. It was first formally added in Schedule 21 of the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, “United Nations Conference on Environment and Development” in 1992. In order to raise awareness of the value of water, World Water Day events were launched in 1993.

Reasons for World Water Day celebrations

On this day, the United Nations and its members organize campaigns and carry out practical initiatives to encourage worldwide water conservation. In essence, the UN agencies support this effort every year to uplift the populace, educate them on water-related concerns, and connect in with global World Water Day celebrations.

The choice of the World Water Day, as well as the global distribution of messages, is all handled by UN-Water. Many NGOs and nongovernmental organizations participate in public awareness-raising campaigns alongside UN members and agencies. On this occasion and campaign, all water-related issues brought to light.

Apart from conserving and improving the condition of water, the day also highlights the importance of health and sanitation.  The overall day focuses on WASH.

Theme for World Water Day

After the declaration of UN on World Water day celebration the world united, together to celebrate the first World Water Day on 1994 with the theme caring for our water resources is everyone’s business.

1995- Women and Water

1996- Water for thirsty cities.

1997- The World’s Water: Is there enough.

1998- Groundwater – The Invisible Resource

1999- Everybody is living to flow.

2000- Water for the 21st century.

2001- Water for Health

2002- Water for Development

2003- Water for Future

2004- Water and Disaster

2005- Water for Life

2006- Water and Culture

2007- Coping with Water Scarcity

2008-Sanitation Matters

2009- Shared Water – Shared Opportunities.

2010- Water Quality: Healthy People, Clean Ecosystems.

2011- Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge.

2012-Water and Food Security: The World is Thirsty Because we are Hungry.

2013- Water Cooperation.

2014- Water and Energy

2015- Water and Sustainable Development

2016- Water and Jobs

2017- Why waste water?

2018- Nature for Water

2019- Leaving No One Behind

2020- Water and Climate Change

2021- Valuing Water

2022- Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible

2023- Accelerating Change

NGO in India on Significance of Water

The most crucial component of the earth’s fuel, water, is a resource that is depleting daily. We have wasted water unnecessarily because of our carelessness. Every Drop Matters, as we all know, yet living up to that maxim is difficult these days.

Humans can have major health issues as a result of drinking contaminated water or not getting enough of it. As a result, the quantity and quality of water we drink are crucial to maintaining our physical health and fitness.

In addition, water is essential to all of our daily tasks. It is equally necessary to get up in the morning to brush your teeth and to prepare your meals. We are incredibly reliant on this clear chemical as a result of our domestic use of water.

In addition to being necessary for human survival, water also promotes health and happiness. Everyone is familiar with the image of people living in misery in nations without access to water, such as some parts of India. It’s time for everyone to wake up and understand how important water conservation is.

A vital resource, groundwater provides approximately half of the world’s drinkable water, around 40% of the water needed for irrigated agriculture, and roughly 1/3 of the water needed for industry. Every ecosystem, including wetlands and rivers, depends on groundwater to function properly.

Finally, Mission Heal NGO in India want to emphasize that unnecessary water use must be stopped immediately. Every single person must work to conserve water and restore the balance. If not, we all know what the consequences are going to be.

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