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Non- Profit Organization Raising Awareness about Chronic Lung Disease

Non- Profit Organization


COPD is the leading cause of death in India following a heart attack. Additionally, in world it is the 3rd leading cause of death. You may  perplex about what COPD is. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of inflammatory disorders that restrict circulation from the lungs and make breathing difficult. Undoubtedly, lung diseases become chronic; it worsens with each cycle of the life. Despite being incurable, It can be avoided and treated. Mission Heal a Non-profit organization creating awareness about the chronic lung disease.

India constitutes around 18% of the world population;After all,it is an untreatable condition, which becomes worse with time. Symptoms include wheezing, trouble breathing, and excessive mucus production.

Contrary to medications, which merely treat the symptoms, comprehensive supervision of the illness is necessary to prevent problems. To improve Long-term lung functioning a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, which slows the onset of the disease? As winter approaches, the quality of air will worsen and play a significant role in India’s rising COPD rates.

Mission Heal is a non-profit organization that runs programs for the poor. The most affected section of India is the slum population. After all, they don’t even get the basic things they need. As a result, chronic diseases greatly impact them as well as future generations.

Stopping smoking can halt the development of chronic lung disease. Additionally, it will aid one’s therapy work better. After giving up smoking, you may notice an improvement in your breathing, coughing, and clogged sinuses. Smokers can acquire less typical lung diseases.

There is a potential that, up until a more complete examination is ready, they are mistaken as having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Non-Profit Organization Sharing Impact on Individual

Air pollution has a direct effect on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, resulting in people experiencing symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, sputum, headaches, and dryness. Almost immediately, after exposure to air pollution, all over the face and throat.

Certainly, some questions definitely need to answer what conditions are responsible for increase rate of chronic respiratory disease. It’s more importantly to understand trends and the socioeconomic effects of these widespread respiratory conditions. It is still unknown how seasonal changes affect the development or worsening of certain disorders.

The set of lung conditions known as COPD  is widespread, curable, and preventive. The majority of patients with this are men over the age of 35 to 40, with or without a history of smoking, while the prevalence in women is rapidly rising. Emphysema, a disorder in which smoking damages the alveoli (lung air sacs), is present in the majority of COPD sufferers.

The lungs surface area and the amount of oxygen that can enter the bloodstream decreased as the air sacs deteriorate and eventually break. Chronic bronchitis, which leads to inflammation of the respiratory tube lining, is another illness that falls within the COPD umbrella.

A constant cough that produces thick, brownish, or purulent sputum is a common symptom of bronchitis. Additionally, they might have chest pain, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Causes of COPD

  • Smoking
  • Fume dust at workplace
  • Air Pollution
  • Genetics

Changes in lifestyle are important for better COPD management

In developed nations, tobacco use is the main factor contributing to COPD. People who are exposed to fumes from burning fuel for cooking and heating in inadequately, ventilated dwellings are more likely to acquire disease in the developing countries. COPD can also develop as a result of exposure to hazardous substances such asbestos, carbon monoxide, dust, and fumes.

Only 20 to 30 percent of people who smoke regularly get chronic lung disease, according to studies. Smoking cessation can halt the progression of COPD. Additionally, it will aid one’s treatments work better. After giving up smoking, you may notice an improvement in your breathing, coughing, and clogged sinuses. Smokers can acquire less typical lung diseases. They may not receive a proper diagnosis of chronic lung disease until a more complete examination.

  • The doctor will advise you to choose pulmonary rehabilitation. Lung transplants may be necessary in severe situations.
  • Take only the medicine your doctor has recommended, never self-medicate. It is crucial to perform PFT or spirometry for the diagnosis of COPD.
  • Utilize inhalers as directed by your thoracic surgeon. The most effective form of treatment for conditions like COPD is inhaled therapy since it delivers drugs directly to the location of the disease.
  • As a result, they are much less likely to cause side effects than oral drugs. In order to prevent serious infections, influenza and pneumonia vaccinations are essential. Patients with COPD who have these infections are admitted for critical care


The need to priorities lung health has never been greater! Our lungs are taken for granted. It is critical to give your lung health first priority because they are essential to our survival. Avoiding tobacco use, air pollution, and occupational exposures can help keep your lungs healthy.

You should also stay active by engaging in regular exercise or pulmonary rehabilitation. Your lungs can remain healthy by getting necessary vaccinations, attending appointments, and taking drugs as prescribed.

Our non-profit organization Mission Heal is always there to contribute to making this world a better place to live for all our fellow citizens. We provide health checkup and other measure to underprivileged people and provide medical consultation if to suggest further by our doctor panel.

You can read such blogs and articles at the website https://missionheal.org/. Follow us on FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.