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Social Movement Organization on World Day of Social Justice

Social movement organization

social movement organization: Social justice is an essential concept for a society to survive. This provides individuals with the capability and ability to achieve their dreams. However, many people are unaware of the concept of social justice. Because this causes havoc in society, it is clear that social justice has no meaning without equality. Every year, the social justice day, observes to highlight the importance of social justice. Mission Heal a social movement organization that explains everything about this day.

In lay terms, social justice means fairly granting all rights to individuals in society. Particularly the weaker sections who lag behind in obtaining all resources. No one with a narrow mind can contribute to this concept. People who don’t believe in this concept deny the idea of equal opportunity.

To tackle this problem on broader scale World Day of Social Justice marked to promote equality on the basis of gender, unemployment, and migrants’ rights. This is the day to speak here against social injustice and to break down barriers rooted in gender, racial group, unfairness, religious discrimination, and so on. It also emphasizes the global social injustice and calls for research into solutions as well as advancements.

Mission Heal a social movement organization who is dedicatedly working for unprivileged people by providing them quality of life.  We see children a potential source for future that will help us in building the future. Our social movement organization believes in equality.

We cannot overlook the fact that inequity is a critical tenet of harmonious and prosperous togetherness between and within nations. To eliminate the obstacles that people are facing because of their sexual identity, maturity level, racial group, ethnic group, religious doctrine, heritage, impairment, and so on, it is essential to uphold social justice principles.

Social Movement Organization: History of World Day of Social Justice

The discrimination people face in the world is the main for the crisis. This discrimination includes unemployment risk, poverty, and lack of access to basic facilities. A World Summit for Social Development started back in 1995 in Copenhagen, Denmark.  During this campaign,100 leaders took part in the programme of action.

The Copenhagen Decade and Programme for Action were adopted at a conference in New York in 2005. Later, on November 26, 2007. At its 63rd session, the United Nations declared November 26 to be the World Day of Social Justice. Furthermore, the International Labour Organization adopted its resolution on social justice shortly after.

Declarations on the significance of social justice for people are made by organizations around the world, such as the United Nations and the International Labour Office. Organizations also intend and present strategies for addressing problems and advancing social justice. Trade unions also take part in commemorating this day. In fact, the Russian General Confederation of Trade Unions has proclaimed the prevalent slogan “Social Justice and a Decent Life for All!”

As stated by the World Summit, social advancements are aimed at achieving social justice, unity, and inclusivity within and between countries. Without a doubt, gender equality, inclusivity, and equity are basic values in all societies.

The government must develop a strategy for achieving “a nation for all” in order to promote justice at the nationwide, geographic, and global level. They also promised to foster equal opportunities for job seekers, equitable income distribution, and increased resource access through equity and fairness.

Objective of World Day of Social Justice


The main objective of this day is to speak out in opposition to social injustice and also to promote equality around the world. The goal of this day is to bring various communities around the world closer together in order to help alleviate poverty, physiological and sex discrimination among other things. Only when the world’s societies  cleansed of the above said curses will a diversified worldwide cultural emerge. Everybody has equality of opportunity and that everyone accepts others.

World Day of Social Justice Theme

Every Year General Assembly decides a theme to celebrate the day. Let have a look for the theme of this year and previous ones.

2023- Not yet announced

2022-Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment

2021- A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy

2020-Closing the Inequalities Gap to Achieve Social Justice

2019-If you want Peace and Development, Work for Social Justice

2018-Workers on the Move: the Quest for Social Justice

Causes of Social Injustice in India

Though the social injustice in India was prevalent before independence, however the situation is not yet changed. There are many laws and rule made to minimize the injustice. Nevertheless, there are many problems still prevalent which needs to be address to make India a socially equitable.

The constitution of India in preamble states that India is a Severing, Secular, Socialist, Democratic and republic to keep all people safe.

Now let us see some factor responsible for Social injustice in India


According to recent data release by CMIE, there is increase in urban unemployment is increased till 10.09%, whereas the unemployment in rural areas decreased to 7.44%. . Which is an alarming situation for the country, as most of the population is youth and if the youth is unemployed, it will lead us nowhere.


The Population has been one of the major root causes of most of the problems in India. India stands second in the world for being most populated country. Large size of population and high rate of growth of population in India has affected economic development and thus the social development of the country.

This ultimately results in problems like unemployment, poverty etc. large size of family in poor sections of society causes reduction in per capita availability of social services and results in a low standard of living. Government has taken a number of measures from time to time to solve the problem of population, but only consistent efforts can solve this problem in India.

 Inequality in Distribution of Land Holdings

Zamidari system has been responsible for inequality in land distribution and income in India. After independence, the Zamidari system has been abolished , but the inequality in distribution of land is still continuing. According to 16th round of National Sample Survey (1960-61),40 percent of small farmers own 30 percent of land holdings, 30 percent of medium farmers own 30 percent of land holdings and 10 percent of rich farmers own 56 percent of the land, while 20 percent of farmers have no land at all.

Landless Farmers with less income are growing poorer while big farmers with ownership of land are growing richer. Also big farmers are in a capacity to use latest and capital intensive technology and grow more income wise, while small farmer remain backward.

Social Movement Organization all provides support to people who raise voice against the injustice to promote social justice in country. We work together with other people to eradicate poverty, gender inequality, illiteracy and many more.

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