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Breaking Barriers, Mending Lives: The Mission Heal Challenge

Mission Heal

In a world often marred by disparities in health care access, economic inequalities, and societal divide, there emerges a beacon of hope—The Mission Heal Challenge. This initiative, driven by the profound belief that health is a fundamental human right, seeks to break down barriers and mend lives across the globe. It is a call to…

Mission Heal Celebrates National Pollution Control Day

Mission Heal

Every year on 2 December, India observes the National Day against Pollution. This claim more lives than any other disease and is on par with cigarette smoking. According to a study, more than 24 lakhs people died in India due to this. The day observed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of pollution. In…

Mission Heal | Need to Empower Poor Women of Our Society

Mission Heal

Mission Heal NGO is working day and night to empower women of our society. Women play an important role in the upliftment of society and the country. But unfortunately, India is a male-dominated country. Here women are always grown up with a mentality that they have to manage the house duties. We as an NGO…

Mission Heal helping to the needy people during COVID-19

mission heal

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. on daily basis Mission…

Mission Heal | Ration Distribution in Covid-19 lockdown

Mission Heal

Mission Heal Organization takes initiative for the ones who needs Ration and distributing essential grocery items to families and set an example about how we humans can be our own Support. Mission Heal is working constantly to the poor families and distributed Ration and Food to support the influenced families. we salute to our volunteers…