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Mission Heal Review: A Light of Hope for the Poor

Mission Heal Review

“There is enough on this planet for everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed.” This quote of our father of a nation has a deep meaning if we try to understand it. Even after more than 70 years of independence, food scarcity remains a concern. Hunger is an issue that hits our economy the most,…

Mission Heal Real Highlighting Barriers to Good Health for Citizens

Mission Heal Real

“First and foremost, health is wealth,” Ralph Waldo Emerson famously stated. Without better mental and physical conditions, anything you earn is useless. Mission Heal Real is committed to be helping hand and guide to our readers, donors, and honorable citizens who are in need of help. In today’s post, we highlight all the barriers we…

Mission to Heal poor people living in slums and ghettos of Delhi

mission to heal

Mission Heal NGO is working on the mission to heal poor families and children. We heal people through various kinds of services. Some of the main activities are education, food distribution, and clothes distribution. We are working with the mission to improve the life quality of Slum-dwellers. Mission Heal’s main emphasis is on education and the environment….

Mission Heal | Need to Empower Poor Women of Our Society

Mission Heal

Mission Heal NGO is working day and night to empower women of our society. Women play an important role in the upliftment of society and the country. But unfortunately, India is a male-dominated country. Here women are always grown up with a mentality that they have to manage the house duties. We as an NGO…

Mission Heal Real | Actions speak out louder than words

Non-profit Organization

Many questions arise is Mission Heal Real or a Scam. Well, discussing it is very important to make people aware of the truth. Many fingers are pointed at our NGO that whether we are serving so many people or just showcasing it. So you will better get these updates from our social media pages. Your…