Mission Heal, NGO is worried about the condition of people living under the trap of hunger. With time, we realized that the real beauty of life lies in making others happy and healing people. If we look at this month in March 2022, we have distributed women hygiene kits in slums, food for needy on…
We at Mission Heal, supported the lives of thousands of people, which it touches through its various welfare activities and social/community initiatives that will empower them and provide them with a better living. In the month of February 2022, we distributed daily food for people that are trying to put their lives back on track…
Mission is a Community based organization to put together association works concerning the different ways to deal with level open doors incorporate individuals with handicaps and screen the current situation as per normalized pointers. We work for those who cannot even work for themselves. Mission heal provides support to marginalized sections of people without doing any…
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day. Various Donors and Volunteers supported us and we reached out to people affected by poverty, Covid-19, hunger etc, who are jobless facing difficulties to arrange daily meals too, especially daily wagers, homeless and other people affected in Delhi NCR region. Mission…
In December 2021, with donor’s like you and volunteers dedication, we can say that we are very close to our mission by helping hundreds of people with food, clothes, masks, nutritional diet etc. You can click here and view our healing updates.
Let us take a pledge to help the needy people in their difficult times in fighting against hunger for those families who have lost their jobs during Covid. Together, we have made a change in society by distributing food, hygiene kits, nutritional diet need for the hour to strengthen the immunity of poor and needy…
Mission Heal, the main concern is about the condition of underprivileged people living under the trap of hunger. Hunger has squeezed the fortune of many underprivileged children for years. We have not let the Covid crisis demoralize us! Our Voluntary team, daily fed food, distributed clothes to numerous families. You can view our activities by…
Touching lives of thousands of people, through various welfare activities and social/community initiatives. Mission Heal, together with the help of donors and volunteers has made a change in society by distributing food, hygiene kits, nutritional diet need for the hour to strengthen the immunity of poor and needy people. You can view our work for…
Anticipating the acute food demand, of the homeless, migrant workers, daily wage labourers, and other vulnerable people of the society, Mission Heal, is supporting i the month of August 2021, by distribution of nutritional items, food, women hygiene kit, covid safety kits and guided people about immunity. You can view our activities by clicking on August 2021…
We at Mission Heal have taken into account the condition of underprivileged children and is sorting out the hunger and poverty-related issues to equip our country with better youth. We are craving to build the future of unfortunate ones by feeding them regularly and helping them in need with healthy nutritious food o daily basis. …